

The benefits of pomegranate

Researchers and doctors swear by it! And for good reason, the hundreds of small translucent grains contained in the pomegranate make it a real bomb of antioxidants!      

The ally of health and youth! 

In the superfruit hit parade, the pomegranate prances ahead. The object of numerous scientific studies for years, it continues to demonstrate its virtues on health that it helps to strengthen and preserve inflammatory and degenerative diseases.

• The great strength of the pomegranate: trapping free radicals

Pomegranate is 3 times richer in antioxidants than green tea! Which makes it a shock weapon against free radicals, these toxic molecules (produced by breathing, tobacco, excessive exposure to pollution, stress or the sun, junk food, intensive sport ...) to the origin of the famous oxidative stress which causes our organism to age prematurely and not only in the form of wrinkles ...  

• Its formidable antioxidant power

The action of pomegranate has been clearly shown in the prevention of cancer. Its various polyphenols (antioxidants) have the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the breast, colon, lung, skin and prostate. This positive effect has even been measured on the slowing down of installed cancers and in particular that of the prostate at an advanced stage, the progression of which is 4 times slower in drinkers of 250 ml of pomegranate juice/day.

• Its other virtues 

- Rich in polyphenols but also in vitamin B and C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, pomegranate has incidental effects on sports performance, in particular by reducing cramps and facilitating recovery, but it also and above all has ...

-   cardiovascular effects: it preserves the elasticity of the arteries, lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels.

-  neuroprotective effects: according to several studies, it would protect against Alzheimer's disease by limiting the formation of amyloid plaques and Parkinson's disease by the joint action of a molecule of the fruit with certain intestinal bacteria.

- antiarthrosis and pain-relieving effects thanks to its anti-inflammatory action . 

• How to consume it well?

It is between November and February that the pomegranate is at the peak of its season. But it can be consumed all year round in the form of ready-made juice . Its little tangy taste is delicious and its very reasonable calorie intake: 60 to 70 Kcal (in juice) / 100 g.

Whole: taste its arils (grains) with a teaspoon or sprinkle them in fruit or vegetable salads. For a real health effect, you should consume  2 to 3 pomegranates per day. It is therefore recommended to combine it with other strongly antioxidant foods such as green tea, turmeric, and broccoli. Note that fresh arils can be stored for a year in the freezer.

In juice:

 it is the simplest and most effective way to benefit from the virtues of the pomegranate because the grains and skin are pressed together (like when you squeeze an orange). A  juice of 250 ml  (recommended dose per day but personalized medical advice required) is thus equivalent to 2-3 pomegranates. Be careful to choose only pure juice, without added sugars, because the pomegranate is already rich in carbohydrates (approx. 14 g / 100 g). The juice can be consumed as is or be used as a vinaigrette or as an ultra-light dessert jelly, mixed with a sachet of agar-agar powder.

Thanks to Dr Richard Béliveau and Denis Gingras, researchers and authors of "Aliments anticancer", Éd. Flammarion.

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