

6 Tips to Help Relieve Back Pain

Back pain is one of the physical problems the most common. Whether the problem appears as stiffness or recurrent symptoms more serious. Even so until now, there is no particular treatment that is proven to eliminate it.

However, small changes in everyday life can actually help relieve pain due to back pain, you know. Laura Harma, a physiotherapist in London's Boost Physio explains, most people will feel pain at some point in the body.

Well, small changes in the objects used day-to-emotion and behavior can be done to prevent and alleviate the symptoms. The following tips from Harma, quoted from the Daily Mail.

1. Replace pillows that are more comfortable

Try different cushions can stop the pain in the neck. In addition, a mattress that is rigid can also help relieve pain in the spine. This is due to the bed or a pillow that is too soft will make the body sagged to the mattress or pillow so that the spine does not have a pedestal the better. Another way so that the back more comfortable is to divert the pressure from the back by putting a pillow in between the knees.

2. Fix posture

Bad posture leads to muscle imbalances and eventually putting pressure on certain areas of the spine. Fix the posture by changing the posture of the body day-to-day. One way according to Halma, imagine there is a helium balloon attached to the top of Your head so that Your head will always be upright.

The idea is to keep the body in front is leaning forward so that Your shoulders don't fall forward. This is also done to maintain the alignment of the lumbar region in the spine that are not too curved and not too flat.

3. Do pilates

Combine physical exercise was obtained from the sports with pilates. A combination of both to produce the movement to prevent back pain. Muscle cells become stable. Therefore, do a combination of pilates and physical exercise, both to strengthen the muscles such as gluteal, abdominal muscles and back muscles.

4. Carefully in flat shoes

High heels will cause havoc on your back and knees, but wear flats also can cause back pain, especially if You have a foot that is very flat (over pronation).

Therefore, if You wear shoes that are very flat like ballet shoes or flip flops without arch, the legs will walk with the power of abnormal up to the knee, hip and lower back pain. Wearing supportive shoes and have arch will keep the body in good alignment and can help reduce back pain.

5. Relax your body by standing occasionally

When have to sit too long, try to stand occasionally. Sitting can increase pressure on the discs in the lumbar spine, especially if You are sitting in a position not better. But, standing too long can also cause pressure on the facet joints. The best advice is to do the variation between standing and sitting.

6. Don't stop moving

General rules say You should strive to wake up every 20-30 minutes to change position and walk. If everyday You spend more time sitting in the office, try to walk around Your work space and see what changes occur.

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